I had some climbing equipment lent to me as I wanted to photograph it, and I set out into my garden once again, also with some borrowed lenses
. Many thanks Ruth. My idea was to create an image of the various pieces of climbing equipment in the form of a man. it would have been difficult to string everything up, so I got my ladder out, about my height and started to assemble my work of art. I had initially tried it out on the ground using the ladder to get over the top but this did not look right, hence "ladder man". Of course, the ladder was too dominant, as was the background, and even with a 50mm 1.8 lens the background was still too much in focus. So, out came the ladder, and I was pleased with the result, but not the background. I then decided to do the individual parts and I really like the results, especially of the harness. In using my garden I had to be aware of other people wanting to use it (so told them not to) and lighting the area, I did not have an extension lead long enough, so no artificial lighting, and I was aware of the dampening conditions due to darkness coming on. I had to be careful with the fishing line as I did not want to cut my fingers, nor damage the tree I was tying it too, nor the goods on show, and also the pulling force one the "arms" as the weight tended to want to pull the supports (lighting stands) over. Although it took a while to create, it took less time to make rather than create in photoshop ( which only to minutes to adjust the final image anyway)
Overall I was pleased with the the outcome, and the product shots I like, as I managed to blur the background as I could get closer to them, rather than being further back for the larger image of the "ladder man". In some ways it has inspired me to name this "hanging by a thread", as climbers rely faithfully on this equipment.
Well what can I say,new dirctions here,some good stuff emerging.Where has this inspiration come from,do you take drugs? and I'd definitely report that alien in your back garden to the athorities. ET phone home!!!