Sunday 27 June 2010

Lhottie at Calke Sunday afternoon

Once again Jim envigelled me into being his glamorous assistant, this time with Lhotte, so really did not miss the footy (well the Germans turned up anyway), much more fun out at Calke in the sunshine. Lighting was difficult, despite it being sunny (much cloud at times), but lovely and warm. Reflectors and flash just about made it. Just got the reflectors right and the sun went behind the clouds. It should be easy outside! Never the less Lhotte was very good, and very patient. Below are some of my images taken when the BOSS did not want me to hold his reflector.
Jims idea was for some Editorial shots using the light under the trees. I just enjoyed the opportunity to experiment with the light. No plan except Calke is a very good place with so many places to photgraph. I learnt a lot today, but time of day could be better, so next time will either be earlier or later in the day..
As Lhotte only had small sandles on we had to make sure that she was walking in an area without the thistles, and when she was not wearing shoes then to make sure she did not tread in anything she should not have been, especially as the cattle had been on the field.
When the sun was out the Gold reflector gave too much light(reflected under the trees on the model), the silver was also too much at times, but did good fill light to the face. The white reflector did not really register, although if placed close to the model it would have not been in the position to reflect the ambient light. Also had to be careful not to blind Lhotte.

This image was taken in the open with a cloudy sky.
Love this, taken in full sunshine and with a straight conversion. This is in line with my theme in the studio. I was pleased to get this effect outdoors as well.
Cheeky smile with my hat on, can't remember what I said now.
Somehow my hat got into this.

Just bursting into the sunshine. Fabulous dress, swayed in the breeze. I cant remember which pattern it is from the giraffe, not that Lhotte is anywhere near like a giraffe.

Mind the prickles on the grass, so many thistles, nice spot Jim!!
Peeking from behind the tree.
Lets pose now for Jim


  1. Hi
    This can go towards your preparation and planning although does it fit your initial statement of intent?


  2. Hi
    Can I just say that the blogs really needed labels as you have been required to do. This not only helps you to achieve higher marks but it allows me to see clearly where you are meeting criteria in amongst all your work. I am having problems finding you initial statement of intents?
    Also your labels are very thin on the ground?
    I will have to come back to yours!

