Dose anybldoy fanyc a dya out on Sat 10 July 2010, destination to be decided.
What I mean is does anybody fancy a day out on Saturday 10 July to excercise their artistic and photographic flair?
Destinations ideas please, Scotland is good, so is Canada, or come to that South Africa, now that are some cheap hotel rooms going.
Answers on a post card soonest.
Love Eric
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Lhottie at Calke Sunday afternoon
Once again Jim envigelled me into being his glamorous assistant, this time with Lhotte, so really did not miss the footy (well the Germans turned up anyway), much more fun out at Calke in the sunshine. Lighting was difficult, despite it being sunny (much cloud at times), but lovely and warm. Reflectors and flash just about made it. Just got the reflectors right and the sun went behind the clouds. It should be easy outside! Never the less Lhotte was very good, and very patient. Below are some of my images taken when the BOSS did not want me to hold his reflector.
Jims idea was for some Editorial shots using the light under the trees. I just enjoyed the opportunity to experiment with the light. No plan except Calke is a very good place with so many places to photgraph. I learnt a lot today, but time of day could be better, so next time will either be earlier or later in the day..
As Lhotte only had small sandles on we had to make sure that she was walking in an area without the thistles, and when she was not wearing shoes then to make sure she did not tread in anything she should not have been, especially as the cattle had been on the field.
When the sun was out the Gold reflector gave too much light(reflected under the trees on the model), the silver was also too much at times, but did good fill light to the face. The white reflector did not really register, although if placed close to the model it would have not been in the position to reflect the ambient light. Also had to be careful not to blind Lhotte.
Love this, taken in full sunshine and with a straight conversion. This is in line with my theme in the studio. I was pleased to get this effect outdoors as well.
Just bursting into the sunshine. Fabulous dress, swayed in the breeze. I cant remember which pattern it is from the giraffe, not that Lhotte is anywhere near like a giraffe.
Mind the prickles on the grass, so many thistles, nice spot Jim!!
Peeking from behind the tree.
Lets pose now for Jim
Thursday, 24 June 2010
My final 10 portraits
Eric Gaffney's Final 10 Portraits Level 3 C&G 2010.
Canon 5D-f6.3-1/40th-ISO100-92mm lens (1 light at power level 4 with reflector to left hand side) Location=College studio Whilst altering the main lighting I noticed that Brent had adopted this attitude, a thoughtful look,so I took the shot using my wireless remote for my camera before he changed his expression. He had relaxed since the beginning of the session, and is a straight image without alterations. The light source was from one lamp, with a reflector positioned slightly behind and to one side to throw some modelling light to the opposite side to his head from that of the main light. This is a variation from the likes of Davis Allen Brandt and Josef Karsh whose images I enjoy looking at.
Canon 400D-f4-1/200th-ISO200-23mm lens (1 light at power level 2) location=My front room
A good plasterer is hard to find but Graig is one of the best and can still wet plaster. This image I had in my mind after visiting an exhibition of Irving Penn’s Small Trades images in London. Graig immediately sprang to mind. I set up the lights borrowed from college at home, and within minutes we had created this image. Although Penn’s images are all in Black and white I like the colour version here, as his shirt would be lost in the background otherwise. The light was positioned to the right and at 45 degrees to Graig, and slightly above him. This was inspired by my visit to see Irving Penn's exhibition of "Small Traders" in london.

Canon 400D-f8-1/100th-ISO100-105mm lens (1 "beauty light" at power level 2.5 with Triflector) Location=College studio
I asked Sian and James to come to the studio. I have taken images of them separately in different situations as I wanted to use their different personalities and activities, and these images are elsewhere in my submission. However I also wanted to get them together and they were very relaxed and were enjoying the session, and I managed to capture the moments when they were oblivious to me and the camera and setting. I like this one and they are a lovely young couple and I have knbown them for some time. The lighting used here was with the tri-flector, and I have found that the results are very impressive with these.
Canon 400D-F9-1/25th-ISO200-110mm lens-(1 Bowens 500W light at power level 4) location=My front room with borrowed light s from College
I wanted Andrea playing her flute in line with the lifestyle intent and David Allen Brandt style. This image developed and was inspired by a combination of Andrea and me looking for a different representation for a portrait and her flute. Man Ray and Lee Miller were my inspiration for this type of image. It is very surreal, and almost out of context, but I really like the black and white interpretation, as her top comprises various shades of gray, coupled with her hair piece which she thoughtfully brought. Lighting was from one source low down at 45 degrees with high power and with the light reflected off the walls and ceiling giving this even lighting.
Canon 400D-f16-1/200-ISO100-46mm lens (1 light at power level 2.5) Location=David's conservatory
David was a somewhat reluctant to be photographed, but to his eternal credit he played his part. I had arranged to photograph David and Liz, and we came up with the theme of the 30’s on a cruise. They dressed the part, and even opened a bottle of champagne, and I photographed in their conservatory, having changed it all round! However, I like this image of David is it shows his character when he relaxes, some would not recognise him like this. This was the first time I had actually tried to set up a scene, and found it exciting. Refer to my blog for further details. The lighting was set at 45 degrees high above David, with the light being reflected off his white trousers and wall to throw light under his hat.

Canon 400D-f4.5-1/160th-ISO100-35mm lens (1 light power level 3) Location=College studio
Sian is a regular visitor the local gym, also works there! and I saw an Annie Liebovitz type image. I had set out to photograph her in her running gear, and this image came about after asking her to rest and look as though she had been running. The result was not what I was looking for in terms of resting after a run, but this has turned out better as it shows the basic running kit she uses when working out. She is wearing an Adidas top with Nike trainers, and was off down the gym after this, and I like the way the lighting works here. This was one light to one side.

Canon 400D-f/20-1/80th-ISO100-70mm lens (1 light at power level2) Location=My front room
I am really pleased with this image. We were exploring various situations, including standard portraits, with beer etc, but I had asked John to bring his Sax with him as an aside. Whilst I was adjusting the lighting, John said he would try his Sax. He just started to play and got straight into the mood, and I snapped this whilst he was playing. This again was set up in living room and John very tall and his head went above the background, but with his movement, I managed to get this shot. Again used with one light from infront of him as he moved, and inspired again by David Allen Brandt and Hamish Brown. It has now gone on exhibition in the Midlands.

Canon 400D-f8-1/125th-ISO100-35mm lens (1 light at power setting 2) Location=College studio.
I was intrigued with David Allen Brandt’s images of the golfer (see Blog) and have replicated it here. Space was a little limited to enable a full swing of the club and James was uncertain about how to swing the club, but with a little patience, we ended up with this image which I like. He had a long sleeve shirt under his golf shirt, which is how he usually plays his golf. Using one light above his head and to one side created this image. On reflection the light should have been over the right hand side, but we did not have time to redo the shot as studio time was short.

Canon 400D-f10-1/50th-ISO200-70mm lens ( 1 "beauty light" set to power level 3) location=College studio
By contrast to my other images, here is a black and white image, in high key, of Niki. Niki is not a model but is an outstanding artist producing glass and ceramic decorative art, which she successfully sells and exhibits in various local galleries, and are well worth seeing. Some are based on teardrops eg. One of her blown glass pieces are included elsewhere in my submission, but they were all in an exhibition on the day of the shoot, so I could not combine. This is almost a classic pose from days gone by, and is reminiscing of the 30’s almost. I have chosen to treat this image as a black and white as A) I like black and white, and B) I think it suits this particular iamge. The light was set just above and slightly to one side.
Canon 5D-f8-1/60th-ISO100-105mm lens ( 1 light at power level 4) Location=College studio
A strong image of a good face with low contrast lighting. I really like this cropped version of Brents face. I have entered this image in to local competition and it came first, so I was pleased with that. I find there is a lot to see here. I was inspired by Josef Karsh and Rankin for this image.
I would very much like to have had my images printed as before as I like to see them displayed, and as I do like a tactile image to hold and view. I also like to see them displayed on the wall, and I enjoy the mounting of the my own prints, so as to display them in the manner in which I would like them viewed.
I also think that the above is a valid and easy way to display my images, and I am quite pleased with the result. I have also presented them on DVD for the course, which enables different ways to view them, either projected or on another computer system for example. In this digital age, with web sites etc I think this is a wonderful way to present your images.
I also have a digital frame at home where I can view my images. I also find that it is a useful tool for assessing my images for presntation, for printing and for helping me to sellect an image for putting into the local camera club competitions, also the regional ones. yes you acn view as a slide show on your computer, but when it is showing in the front room, you can see them at various points, and make your assesment.
The down side to presenting your images digitally is that there are folks around who would steal your images for themselves from digital sources, so you need to take care on how and where you present your images in this form. In this instance, however,due to cost etc. I am having to display them in the digital mode for this excercise. This does have it's advantages in this digital age, in that they can be viewed in many ways, and different sizes. They can be made into a slide show for viewing, also they can be put on to a web page, and with the full size image even be made into a poster.
Having seen images exhibited at College end of year exhibition, It has inspired me to consider other ways and places to exhibit. I will search out how to create my own website, although I do use Flckr, and Nkik has sugeested various Galleries that would display images for free, or modest costs. This I am going to explore in more detail. I alreday have images presented into regional competitions, but I am now inspired to move further into the display arenas.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Bright-Gaff Enterprises
As you know we have been looking for another day out soon, also to take in the evening light for those who wish to go.
The initial suggestion was Bristol, as there is so much variety there. Perhaps the 14 July.
Other suggestions are:-
Kew Gardens
The Peaks
Wales-the beach at Barmouth etc
Lets have a concensus, then we can chose when and where, and as many as we want. Perhaps we can have some ideas before we go of where and what we want to photograph.
Then we can organise transport etc.
As you know we have been looking for another day out soon, also to take in the evening light for those who wish to go.
The initial suggestion was Bristol, as there is so much variety there. Perhaps the 14 July.
Other suggestions are:-
Kew Gardens
The Peaks
Wales-the beach at Barmouth etc
Lets have a concensus, then we can chose when and where, and as many as we want. Perhaps we can have some ideas before we go of where and what we want to photograph.
Then we can organise transport etc.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
In search of inspiration
why can't I type where I want to on this damn thing, it's all over the place.
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