Sunday, 7 February 2010

Limit to images on blog?

L3 It appears there is a limit as to how many images can be loaded on the blog. The help says all images are posted to Picasa or similar account. Can anybody confirm this, Steve? as I could not load any more images today.


  1. Hi Eric
    I was having some trouble with the blog Sunday, it crashed twice. I put it down to wind direction/astrology/everyone cooking their lunch etc. When I upload a picture it says I'm currently using 4MB (0%) of 1024MB, so you should not have reached a limit yet unless you are uploading huge files. It seems a good idea to uplaod smaller files which can't be copied as well. Steve said 72dpi was OK to view and not good enough to print. I'd try again today.
    All the best

  2. I try and resize them before I upload. Yes, I had trouble on Sunday uploading, it just stopped. Apparently I have used 1.5% of my limit so not too much to worry about at the moment.
