Sunday, 10 October 2010

My Brief and Process

After discussions with Mr Steve on Saturday my brief is as follows:-

To produce a book of 10 images, for each of my two themes, at A4 or similar, for advertising purposes. Each image should have sufficient room for the advertiser to add text. The images will be produced as a document book.

The two themes are closely linked. They are based on fashion accessories, and will comprise Shoes and Jewellery.
I am contemplating using an outdoor shoot with cars and models as a background, with various items picked out against the cars and or scenery.

to be continued

1 comment:

  1. Hi eric,
    Can you help me as I seem to be either looking at past work and not recent stuff or mixed?
    Very difficult to track for you and me, am I looking in the right place, please advise??

